Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology
The Hare that Was not Afraid to Die
Story source: Eastern Stories and Legends by Marie L. Shedlock (1920).
Conejo en la Luna (Rabbit in the moon)
Characters: Right from the beginning the Hare is selfless, always teaching his friends to give to the poor. Learning about the different animals and their journey on how they got their food was interesting. The otter seemed to have stolen the fish from the fisherman, the jackal stole a lizard and pot of milk curd, and the monkey gathered mangoes.
Setting Details: The author wrote about the settings in detail and I could picture each animal on their journey of gathering food perfectly.
Self sacrifice: The hare eats only grass, and does not think this is substantial food to give to a beggar. He instead vows to give his own flesh to a beggar if they pass by.
Being put to the test: Sakka, the king of the Gods, came in disguise as a beggar to put these animals to the test. Each animal offered the beggar their food, but declined. When the Rabbit was tested, he went to the full length to sacrifice his flesh to the beggar. When he jumped into the fire, it did not burn him. He kept his word, as did the rest of the animals.
I thought this was a beautiful story of self sacrifice and being selfless. Although the hare went to great lengths to do this, I aspire to be selfless in my every day life and that is why I loved this story.
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