Week 3 Story: Adam and Eve Retold

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden - Bible Story Verses & Summary

Adam and Eve in the Garden: Source

Adam was in the Garden of Eden happily and in communion with God. He had everything he needed, food, the river, the fields, the animals, and so much more. The only rule Adam has was to not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and he obeyed. He was the caretaker of the garden and knew every living creature, but yet one thing was missing. 

God wanted to create a companion for Adam of his kind, so he would never be alone and that he would have someone to help him. Out of Adam's rib, God created a woman named Eve. Eve was informed of the one rule of the Garden of Eden. She lived happily with Adam and with God, both naked and not ashamed. 

One day Eve passed by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the serpent caught Eve's attention. The serpent tempted Eve with a fruit from this tree. The serpent told Eve that she would not die if she ate from it and that she would acquire knowledge and be just like God. Eve took the fruit from the serpent and looked at it closely. She felt guilty for even touching it, and she began to think about Adam and God. She knew that she could not disobey the one rule she was given. She gave the fruit back to the serpent and ran away. 

Eve vowed never to go near this tree again, in fear of being tempted by the serpent. Because of Eve's decision to obey God, Adam and Eve never witnessed suffering and pain. They were able to live in a permanent state of joy and happiness. 

Authors Note: I wanted to create the story of Adam and Eve like it happened in an alternate universe. I always have wondered what would have happened if Adam and Eve never ate the fruit. They would have never witnessed the experience of being human like we do in our world today. Would they even have children since Eve wasn't given the burden of child birth? What would our world be like now? These are some of the questions I ask myself. 

Story source: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 1-2.


  1. Hi Natalia!

    I really enjoyed your story because I like how you changed the ending of Adam and Eve! I have heard this story more times than I can count and it is always so depressing at the end (the happy ending comes later in the Bible!). So, I like how you made this story a happier one!

    However, what did Adam do? Did he also stay away from the tree, or was it only Eve? Did the serpent ever return to tempt Adam and Eve again? Or did God cast out the serpent for a failed attempt at corrupting his perfect garden?

    Also, did you consider maybe adding a little paragraph explaining what the aftermath of Eve's new decision? You just mentioned a permanent state of joy, but what would that look like?

    With that being said, your author's note is very thought-provoking, I suggest maybe instead of just questioning the alternate universe, create it and write it!


  2. Hi!
    I thought this was a really good way to retell the story and I loved how giving it the different ending really changed it. I know lots of people are familiar with the story of Adam and Eve and how they eat the fruit and everything changes. I think it is good how you show that Eve is tempted by the fruit and is drawn to want to eat it but in the end she denies it and doesn't eat it. I know Eve was tempted by the fruit but I am curious if Adam was as well or if it was just Eve who wanted it. What if you included Adam a little more in what happens at the end. You could describe how Adam was feeling when he found out Eve was tempted by the fruit or you could tell how he himself was tempted or not tempted by it.

  3. Hi Natalia!

    I really enjoyed your story of retelling of Adam and Eve from the Book of Genesis with a positive ending! I was excited to see that Eve resisted the temptation of the serpent and chose to not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge! It was a surprising twist. I wonder what our world would be like today if Adam and Eve had never introduced sin into the world. Do you think temptation wouldn't exist? Also I would have liked to see a little more imagery use of the serpent with dialogue. You might consider adding in more dialogue between the serpent and Eve to show her resisting the snake's tempting words. Also, consider maybe adding a paragraph of what a sinless world would look like and how Adam and Eve ended up in the future! Overall, great job! I loved seeing a new take on the classic story and I think you retold it in a refreshing new way! Keep up the good work!


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