Week 5 Story: The Nightingale and the Rose
Nightingale: Source It had been raining for a week straight, and the nightingale's babies were in constant distress due to the pouring rain. Their nest was made of wooden sticks, and those sticks kept getting wet and uncomfortable to the baby birds. The nightingale wanted to do something to help her children, so she started to look for more materials to make a cozier nest. This is when the nightingale came across the Rustic's garden and the beautiful rose pedals. The nightingale carefully fled over the Rustic's rose garden and started to take pedals of the roses, one by one. She would do this every single night when she knew the Rustic was asleep and would not find her. On one night where she went again, it started to rain very hard. She could not fly and carry the pedals at the same time, and they fell! She decided that she would go back to get the rose pedals in the morning. The Rustic saw the rose pedals scattered around the floor and was enraged. His plan was to captu...